Enorme enormissima sorpresa oggi, quando sono stata informata di aver preso la bellezza di  2 medaglie di bronzo al Gran Prix de la Photographie Paris (www.px3.fr) nella categoria Ritratto (wedding portrait).  Migliaia di foto spedite da 85 paesi nel mondo, una giuria di altissimo livello (Carol Johnson, Curatore della Photography of Library of Congress, Washington D.C.; Gilles Raynaldy, Direttore of Purpose, Paris; Viviene Esders, esperta presso la Cour d’Appel de Paris; Mark Heflin, Director of American Illustration + American Photography, New York; Sara Rumens, Lifestyle Photo Editor of Grazia Magazine, London; Françoise Paviot, Direttore della Galleria Françoise Paviot, Paris; Chrisitine Ollier, Art Director of Filles du Calvaire, Paris; Natalie Johnson, Features Editor of Digital Photographer Magazine, London; Natalie Belayche, Director of Visual Delight, Paris; Kenan Aktulun, VP/Creative Director of Digitas, New York; Chiara Mariani, Photo Editor del Corriere della Sera Magazine, Italy; Arnaud Adida, direttore dell’acre 2 Gallery/Agency, Paris; Jeannette Mariani, Director of 13 Sévigné Gallery, Paris; Bernard Utudjian, Direttore della Galerie Polaris, Paris; Agnès Voltz, Director of Chambre Avec Vues, Paris; and Alice Gabriner, World Picture Editor of Time Magazine, New York) e ben due riconoscimenti alla sottoscritta ….che altro dire, se non che ogni premio che ricevo è solo apparentemente un traguardo, ma sempre il punto di partenza per nuove foto e uno stimolo a fare sempre meglio!?

Grazie a tutti quelli che mi danno l’opportunità di fotografare, a quelli che mi permettono di entrare nelle loro vite, a quelli che mi scelgono, a quelli che mi pubblicano, ma soprattutto un grazie a questi giurati! 🙂

Huge surprise today when I was informed that I took  two bronze medals in the Grand Prix de la Photographie Paris (www.px3.fr) in the Portrait category (wedding portrait). Thousands of photos sent by 85 countries in the world, a panel of high-level (Carol Johnson, Curator of Photography of Library of Congress, Washington DC; Raynaldy Gilles, Director of Purpose, Paris; Viviene Esders, Expert près la Cour d’Appel de Paris; Mark Heflin, Director of American Illustration + American Photography, New York; Sara Rumens, Lifestyle Photo Editor of Grazia Magazine, London; Françoise Paviot, Director of Galerie Françoise Paviot, Paris; Chrisitine Ollier, Art Director of Filles du Calvaire, Paris , Natalie Johnson, Features Editor of Digital Photographer Magazine, London; Natalie Belayche, Director of Visual Delight, Paris; Kenan Aktulun, VP / Creative Director of Digitas, New York; Chiara Mariani, Photo Editor of Corriere della Sera Magazine, Italy; Arnaud Adida, Director of Acte 2 Gallery / Agency, Paris; Jeannette Mariani, Director of Gallery 13 Sevigne, Paris; Utudjian Bernard, Director of Galerie Polaris, Paris, Agnès Voltz, Director of Chambre Avec Vues, Paris; and Alice Gabriner, World Picture Editor of Time Magazine, New York) and two awards to me …. what else to say, except that I get each prize is apparently only a goal, but always the starting point for new photos and an incentive to do even better!?

Thanks to all those who give me the opportunity to photograph, to those that allow me to come into their lives, to those who choose me,  but above all thanks to these jurors! 🙂


My portfolio, curriculum vitae: www.barbarazanon.com

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