Due nominee ai Black and White Awards 2013! 🙂 Che altro aggiungere? Quando ho ricevuto questa lettera…ovviamente sono stata super  felice…
La giuria davvero importante che ha selezionato 2 delle mie foto mi ha davvero reso orgogliosa del mio lavoro. Quindi che dire? Grazie! 🙂
Dear Barbara,
CONGRATULATIONS on being a Nominee at the 8th Annual
Black & White Spider Awards with:
Nominee in Fine Art | Barracks at Aushwitz Museum Â
Nominee in Photojournalism | Big Cruises in Venice
9,456 entries were received from 75 countries and your work received a
high percentage of votes overall. Certainly an achievement, well done!
The Awards Jury represents the industry’s biggest names and tastemakers
who reviewed the entries online before making the nomination shortlist.
Congratulations once again on being a Nominee and we wish you a
most successful photography year.
Best regards,
Basil O’Brien
Creative Director